Thanksgiving Hunt + Farm Work

Had a great time with the kids hunting, playing board games and doing some farm work.  Definitely have to do this again when they are home for Christmas.  Emily got a deer the last evening we hunted, nice healthy doe that had some very choice cuts!  The next day we processed some into deer burgers and some into jerky strips which she is going to make when she returns to NYC.

Playing Risk

Playing Risk

Crushing the kids

Crushing the kids

Heading out for the hunt

Heading out for the hunt



Maddy running the tractor

Maddy running the tractor

Maddy splitting wood

Maddy splitting wood

Patrick loading wood to be split

Patrick loading wood to be split

Emily made us all breakfast

Emily made us all breakfast

Processing Emily's deer

Processing Emily’s deer

Gourmet venison burger

Gourmet venison burger