Maniacs Were Here! My relatives from Maine came down to visit so we took them to the farm Saturday for an overnight.  Visiting were my Aunt MaryDonna, John, and my Aunt Jerry, sure was nice to see them all.  We visited a few Civil War attractions on the way down;  the Graffiti House, and the Wilderness battlefield.  Sort of gave a little character to the surrounding area. Once we arrived at the farm we did a nice long tour in the ATV, gave them all the information I had on the history of the property and what we’ve done since we became owners.   We have miles of trails through the woods and between the fields.  Mercifully it was sunny but not too cold.  Mine Run was running too high for us to get across to see the old Confederate Artillery emplacements. Patty made a wonderful pork, cabbage and apple roast for dinner Saturday night, very tasty.

follow link Even though it was pretty cold we started one of our signature bonfires and broke out the bourbon.  

go here On Sunday it was quite frosty, but I suspect not too bad compared to what they are used to in Maine.  We picked some chickweed and plantain and Aunt MaryDonna and Aunt Jerry helped Patty separate it all.  Patty made oils from these and a few other herbs which we will later make into a healing salve.

Buy Xanax Usa We finished off Sunday with a nice walk and with John and my Dad helping to right a poorly built deer stand that had tipped over in high winds.


get link Overall a very nice visit, hopefully more of the ‘maniacs’ will come down this summer.