Flash Flood!

https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/7udjh3ml Late in the afternoon the sky darkened and then it just poured, and poured.  Probably a very hard rain for about 45-50 minutes.  When it was done me & Patty took a tour on the ATV to see what happened around the farm.  I was mostly worried about the big pond and the overflow as I’ve never seen it overflow before, although I suspect it had.  Our first stop was the driveway where it crosses over the stream that feeds the pond.  Seeing this I was pretty worried about what I would find at the dam.


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Water flows through the overflow

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Overflow working perfectly, wide flat turf waterway keeps lots of water flowing smoothly but doesn't erode the dam.

Uk Tramadol Online Overflow working perfectly, wide flat turf waterway keeps lots of water flowing smoothly but doesn’t erode the dam.

Dock is completely underwater

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The ford over Mine Run is completely un-passable

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https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/jk0ynbgngt Within a few hours the flow had subsided with little or no erosion thank god.

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https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/wmyc01aiwm IMG_5191 IMG_5193 IMG_5190
