One Helluva Night Went out to sit in the tree stand on the back property thinking I probably wouldn’t see much since I just hadn’t had time to plant the green fields this year. As the light faded I saw one large doe moving quickly into the field from my front right. I looked closer and sure enough I could see lots of white antlers following close behind. It happened so fast I didn’t have time to get nervous, quickly took aim and made the shot. At first I thought I had missed him, when I looked up I saw nothing, no doe, no buck.

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go to link I climbed down from the stand and started walking the field, went back and forth several times before I found him. Got him right through the lower neck and it looks like he dropped right where I shot him. He was a big one, 10 point, and weighed in at 195 pounds!

Tramadol India Online Mark and Patrick helped me get him into the back of the UTV. The three of us along with neighbor JJ spent the next few hours dressing and skinning him. The next day I moved him to the barn and will be hanging him for five days which should really tenderize the meat.