Planted the Raised Beds

enter site We replanted various types of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and green/yellow zucchini. Installed a temporary fence to keep the critters out…keeping fingers crossed, irrigation system is next.


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Beavers are Back!

Tramadol Purchase Overnight I’ve been hoping the beavers would find their way back to the other side of Mine Run and fix the dam for the pond that used to be over there.  Well my wish has been granted, twice!  The beavers have fixed the dam on the pond that was there and also built a new dam that is backing water up into a new pond.  Me and Patrick found them while we were inspecting the new trails the forestry mulcher created.

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Restocked the Pond with Baitfish

see url Took a trip up to Zett’s fish hatcher in WVA and picked up a load of baitfish to help with the pond balance.  Patty & Patrick helped me distribute the shiners, bull frog tadpoles, crayfish, snails, bull head minnows, and red minnows.  The fish were actually coming after them right after we put them in.