Barn Office Construction Started

go to site Our go-to handy man Glen started construction on an insulated office in the barn loft, initially for use by our resident artist Emily, but perhaps later a good location for other things.

follow I installed the wiring and boxes for plugs, lights and ceiling fan this past weekend and Glen has continued on with installing the insulation and drywall. Should be complete in the next week or so depending on timing.

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Live Confederate Cannon Ball Found When Chris called shortly after he went out relic hunting I could tell by his voice he had found something big. Me & Patrick drove over and found him kneeling in front of a whole cannon ball that was incredibly only about an inch below the surface. Chris picked it up (although it made me nervous) and you could see the fuse still in it. He could tell it was a confederate round by the way the fuse installs. I held it and the weight was impressive, can’t imagine that puppy hitting someone.


Tramadol Overnight Shipping Visa Chris said the ball likely came from Confederate A.P. Hill’s artillery in the cannon pits on the other side of Mine Run.

Excelsior Brigade Was Here The mason Chris made a nice find of a Union staff officer gold plated button from the Excelsior Brigade. That brigade had just lost over half its members at the battle of Gettysburg in the summer before coming here to the Mine Run campaign. Chris polished up the button and gave it back to me along with a Confederate sniper bullet he found. Evidently what I originally was told were mounds from an old pipeline were actually trenches and artillery revetments at the highest point on the farm. The trench line goes back quite a distance.

Surprise Guinea Keets! Was completely suprised today when I was out in the barn yard and from across the yard comes 7 baby guinea keets sprinting to get to the rest of the flock in the bean field! I snapped the photo below then quickly tried to corral them before they got to the beans, where I never would have found them.

source link Turns out there were seven total and from the direction they were coming from I think they might have been hatched in the run-in shed. Perhaps the flock will be back up to full strength after all.
