Started Building the Chicken Tractor

Buying Diazepam Uk Online Started building the chicken tractor this weekend. The chicks are feathering out fast and will be much happier out in the grass I think. The plans I purchased are pretty good, I just wish I followed them with a little more attention to detail. A couple of notable screw-ups but the basic structure is finished and I was able to move it down to the barn to avoid the coming rain. Mom and Dad came out Sunday and helped with the assembly, good to get the old folks our from in front of the TV and into the fresh air.

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Images from the Lockdown It is a strange time during this pandemic, here are a few images.


Chicks are Here! Given the uncertainty of the pandemic situation we decided to take the plunge and get some laying hens. We purchased 10 White Leghorns and 10 Brown ISA pullets. I’m going to build a large chicken tractor to move about the year allowing the hens to feed on fresh grass and insects around the property. Will be posting as that progresses. Here are the chicks in the box from Tractor Supply and in the brooder.