The melting snow has really saturated the ground. In the three years that I’ve owned it I’ve never seen the ground so saturated. The ponds are all handling it ok, even though none of them were constructed with proper drain pipes and even more problematic overflows. The picture below is the pond over by the barn. The overflow is the only way for the water to escape, and it isn’t really low enough because you can see that there is water topping part of the dam…not good. Archives: source link February 2014
Aftermath of the snow Went down 7 days after the big snow, no one had yet traveled up the driveway as you can see in the shot below. I originally thought that most of it would have melted on the gravel driveway and the minivan could have made it. Tom Bledsoe suggested I borrow his 4wd pickup and drive up and down a few times before taking the van over. Luckily I took his advice as the minivan would have never made it back up the hill to get out. After driving over it twice in the truck I had a very hard time getting back up the big hill in 2wd. Snow Storm
Tramadol Tablets Online At least big for this area. A few shots from the security cameras, we received about a foot of snow.