As time went on it became apparent that the new batch of 70+ hens actually contained 11 roosters, which is WAY too many. I purchased these in three batches and with each batch I had the option for a free ‘mystery’ chick. Well, I think that gave us three roosters. It is also apparent now that the Whitting Blue chickens must be hard to sex at birth, because the other 8 rooster were from that breed. We decided it was time to ‘process’ the roosters before we combined the younger and older flocks.
watchOrder Valium Canada Our first attempt at capturing the roosters failed. I thought we could corral them in the morning when they had left the chicken tractors…big mistake, didn’t catch a single one. They got another days reprieve. Ended up doing it at night when they were roosting in the chicken tractors. Could only capture 9 though, but that was enough. We processed them the next day over by the barn.