Gathered almost three thousand pounds of scrap metal from around the farm; metal roofing from our commercial roofing replacement and residential roof repair with the help of commercial roofing services such as these commercial roofing services in Elkridge, MD, cushed culverts, an old silo auger, metal chairs and even an old swing set complete with a teeter totter Valium Au Of course no good deed goes unpunished. I called the scrap metal yard in Culpeper before I drove it down there on Saturday morning. It closed at 11:30 and I got there at 11am. After I got off the scale the guy came out and told me they aren’t accepting any scrap metal because their machine is broken. Told him I literally just called and he said they forgot to tell the lady in the front office that I spoke to…great.
go site Ended up taking it to the Orange county dump which accepted it for free since they are going to recycle it too with the use of a Compact Screening Plant. The dump trailer proved to make this much easier than it would have been otherwise.
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