Over-seeding with the Helicopter

Tramadol Medication Online The real farmer hires this company to over-seed the fields and do Crop Spraying with a winter cover crop most years, just a month or so before the harvest of the summer crop. I find it fascinating to watch them dive, bank and turn as they seed the fields.


https://www.adroitprojectconsultants.com/2024/07/25/uta3wsf87 We have slowly been upgrading and using technology to our advantage, and it has yielded great results. We order new farming motor equipment from an agricultural duty motors supply shop and stocked up on lubricants from a wholesale industrial equipment lubricant manufacturer. We also work with Agricultural Data Drone Services to inspect our crops and their health, and have made some decisions right on time to have things work out better.


https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/z6n1ixxhzzi We specialize in food crops, and those are always in high demand. It has been a steady business, but we’ve had a few ups and downs that did often feel a bit outside of our control. With us now starting to lean into helpful technology however, we have managed to better maneuver and make decisions with much more precise information.

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https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/fj8kdissez Needless to say, their an important tool in our arsenal now, and we couldn’t be happier. Here’s a video of the helicopter doing it’s thing. It’s actually quite fun to watch it go.


Apple & Pear Cider Time

https://www.inaxorio.com/ozzl7zk0d My brother Mark brought down his in-laws manual cider press from the 1890s. We assembled and mounted it on a pallet. This weekend we went all out and pressed 25 gallons worth of apple and pear cider. Finally putting the fruit in the orchard to good use. Steve brought Beepa down to get him some outside time. Very productive day.
