Splitting Wood & Shooting Guns

https://autismwish.org/quc7axt4 Patty was down with her father for about 5 days while I went skiing with the boys. The day before I left we split enough wood so she would have plenty for the weekend and then we did a little practice with the pistol and 20 gauge. She likes the 20 gauge the best.


Snow Storm Weekend

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/e4dlljsa4yi Had a nice 5-6″ of snow at the farm this weekend. Really beautiful watching it snow and going for long walks.

Patty and Mirlo on our long walk

go Plowed the driveway, Patty made frittata from FGF eggs and CSA spinach and greens…delicious.

Tramadol Orders Online

Tramadol Uk Order Patrick came down and brought his snowboard so I pulled him around behind the ATV, nice video below.

go to link





Processing Logs with Dad

go here Dad & Mom came down today and helped with the processing of a tree I cut down last week. Pulled the main trunk out with a chain and cut it up into sizes ready for the splitter. Great to have someone helping otherwise I would have had to continually switch from tractor to chainsaw to attaching chains all day. Afterwards Dad gave the new ATV a spin and then we relaxed on the porch enjoying the warm weather and a few cigars.


