Deer Season – Opening Weekend

click here Great time with the brothers, although we were ‘skunked’.

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Up at the crack of dawn, literally!

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Steve made breakfast after the morning hunt Steve made breakfast after the morning hunt

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Guineas Started Free Ranging And were almost immediately decimated by predators!  I installed an door on the coop controlled by an electronic eye, open at dawn, closed at sunset.  Unfortunately the guineas left the coop but never came back!  Worse then that, they didn’t roost in the trees, but on the ground!  By the time I got back down there I could only rescue 4 of the 12+ guineas!  I locked them in the coop after this disaster to rethink how to get them to free range but return to the safety of the coop at night.

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Five were left but I could only get 4 back into the coop

source url Five were left but I could only get 4 back into the coop