The Gray House Approaches Completion

go In these past two weeks it all seemed to come together; the road, appliances, sidewalk, grading and final painting. Very happy with the red color Patty chose for the door, it really sets off the house. Appliances are all in now, still more to do but we are VERY close. The three propane appliances; hot water heater, stove, dryer should be operational shortly. Now to get the grass planted…

Brand Name Valium Buy Below are various views of the house, click the picture for a full size view.

Here Comes the New Road to HQ2

here Serious work began on the road to HQ2, this is all in preparation for the final loads of finished gravel/stone dust. The cement pad in the middle of the roadway is a ‘spillway’ for the large volume of water that flows out of the field on a heavy rain.

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Septic Installation The septic system was installed at the gray house. I had no idea how involved this would be. The tank was 1000 gallons, concrete, and took a large crane to install it. It has an input from the house of course but we also put one up by the RV parking so we could dump our future RVs and/or have a full hookup right there at the house.

click The drain fields were much bigger than I expected. Instead of gravel they use what looks like ‘styrofoam’ peanuts surrounding the lines which I guess helps distribute the water around the fields. Pictures below show the various parts of the installation.