Beach Trip 2024 Rented the beach house in Rodanthe again this year and had almost the entire family down. Emily & Randy couldn’t make it as Randy has a new job, and of course Patrick is still hiking the CDT.

here Beach is really taking a beating from the erosion, but there was still plenty of room at our end. I think Harvey is getting big enough be much more interested in it. When he is just a little older you won’t be able to keep him out of the water.


First Marriage Proposal at the Farm! Mark D. called to ask if he could practice some pistol shooting at the farm with his girl friend, Elizabeth K. He also said he was planning to propose to her while they were here. I texted him an entire list of places on the farm that were private and romantic.

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follow site He stopped in when he got here and boy was he nervous, sweating like it was 100f. They went down the hill where I had setup the targets and I snapped the photo below. They stopped back at the house before they left, both visibly happy and joyful. I asked where did you propose?

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  • Under the huge oak tree in the back field? No
  • On the deck of the gray house? No
  • On the dock overlooking the big pond ? No
  • By the shady ford at Mine Run? No He dropped to his knee right there where they were target practicing! A beautiful couple!

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Another Chicken Move Day in the Books

enter site Might be one of my last chicken move days. Our intern and fiance have been doing much of the work for the last few moves. Only reason I was involved today was that the tractor was necessary to move the eggMobile. These moves typically consume at least 90 minutes. This is the third move for the ‘big’ hens, will be the last one around the orchard.

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Summer Pool Party & Pot-Luck Invited a slew of folks over for a pool party and pot-luck dinner yesterday afternoon. This year we started a little later at 5pm, which worked out very well. Kids got at least 3-4 hours of pool time and the temperature was starting to go down by the time it all started. We had SO much food, people brought some really tasty items.

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My son Little Paul & Grandson Harvey in “Lollie’s” lap
Emily with Fiance Randy getting lots of attention from the kids.
Emily & Randy giving rides in the ATV
Pool was a big hit.
Very HOT!
Kids love fireworks

Dropping & Bucking Up Three Pine Trees

go here The farmer just harvested the wheat and planted the beans, so a short window to be able to drop some trees into the field without damaging crops. The frontier wife helped me, we started early but it was a very hot day. I’m not a particularly experienced chainsaw operator but all went well, was super careful with clearing around the trees for an escape route and placing the cuts properly.

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Fruit is Ripening Lots of fruit in the orchard is ready to pick. Wild grapes are seen in many places on the farm. This year the peaches in the orchard are going crazy, literally breaking branches.